Sunday, July 27, 2014

Slipping away

Well, I am slowly slipping away from 39designs.  Dont let the door hit you in the butt.  Through these past few years I have learned a lot.  As they say, we learn through our mistakes.  I try to stay positive and wont let a few taint my feelings on people.  Some people are just scum bags.  Some people will steal your soul if you let them.  

Though I am still affiliated with them, not by choice, I have to play nice, at least for another year.     I know they are reading here, but I don't give a SHIT.   You won this round, but trust me, it isn't over yet.

So there is my vent.  They go screw themselves for all I care. 

I've been working on these cool covers that attache to your iPad with magnets to protect your screen and features a wake/sleep magnet that turns your iPad on when it opens and off when it closes. The multifunctional design of the cover allows you to fold it into a triangular stand to support the iPad in various viewing angles.

I love creating them.

graffiti urban decay iPad cover
graffiti urban decay iPad cover by urban_decay
Shop for Graffiti Covers online at

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

WOW! where did the time go?

It feels like such a long time since I visited this blog. I have been so much work but nothing much with the Internet. Ive had a few shows, sold a few paintings, sold some graphics, and summer is here and the I am slowing down some. I will try to post up some new work shortly. I noticed that I made it to a site called '9 Weebly Websites That Actually Don't Suck - MakeUseOf' I suppose I should be honored but when you click on my site from there it goes to a different website. The other problem, everything on pinterest, also links to that website which is not mine. So I am not sure what I am going to do.

Just as well, I designed it for myself and 39designs which I am no longer affiliated with.  But the thought that my web design was noticed makes me feel good even if a few folks over at 39designs SUCK. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Look at me, i made some sales. I sold these two business cards. I hope they like them. I also sold birthday invites. but if you notice, the title is teen boy, when in fact they are for girls. Im wondering if i can change them? They came from a 3rd party referral, so thank you for whoever referred them, but now I don't know what to do. If I change it, it will mess up the person who referred them. what to do what to do what to do. .
cool Business Cards profilecard cool Business Cards profilecard teen boy photo invite invitation

Friday, March 9, 2012

morals shormals

Time for another ‘is it me?’

Is it me? What in the world ever happened to separation of state and church?

Has everyone gone mad?

It seems all these republican candidates are focusing on who has stronger religious beliefs, and who ever does, should be the republican nominee.

 Let’s look at it. Currently, people are unemployed, there are no jobs, families are losing their homes, there forced to give up their pets because they can’t feed them and go ol' Rick is focusing on that married couples should stop having sex if they can’t afford any children. We all know Rick’s belief that birth control should be illegal and that if anyone is found with this substance on their person be given 20 yrs. to life.

But it’s just not Rick. Dear Mitt feels that if women get pregnant by accident, they should not be allowed to get abortions. I mean when you think about it, at some point in our lives we had to deal with natural consequences.

I remember when I was 12, my mom yelling across the room, “fine, don’t do your homework, you will fail your science class and you will never graduate high school and you will end up living in a cardboard box on Main st with the bums, and you will probably get shot.”

Hey mom, Breaking News, I did not do my science homework that night and I actually got a B in that class, oh, and thanks for helping me with college, I graduated college with honors. NO cardboard box for me.

Even though I still can’t spell, but that had nothing to do with not doing my science homework.

 Don't tell mom, but I really never believed those things she said to me.

However, the truth is, if a 15 yr. old girl gets pregnant and her mom says pretty much the same thing to her, it could actually happen. She may have to quit school. She cant go to work because she cant afford day care, and she cant afford day care, because she isn't working, and on and on and on.

She will be forced to go on welfare and food stamps and this will be great for our country.

 But as Mitt pointed out, she must pay with her life if she finds herself pregnant.

 I personally think that ‘punishment’ is way too strong, because she had a weak moment.

Speaking of weak moments, come on, don't we all. Look at the dieter passing the M&M jar and just had to have one, then went back and got a hand full. Or the person quitting smoking, that actually takes a half of cigarette out of a disgusting ashtray for a few puffs, or the parent who is so stressed out that she snaps at her kid because the kid is running all over the house playing drums with the pots and pans.

Yep, we all have weak moments. But we don't have to pay for them for the rest of our lives.

Then there is Newt, married three times, and I dont find anything wrong with that myself, but then he goes on and he actually wants us to believe he has these strong religious values because now, he is committed to his faith, which just so happens to condemn adultery and forbids remarriage after divorce. Is it me?

 Now let’s look into the life of President Barack, who can’t even speak without ending with “God bless America.” We all know he goes to church all the time. We see it on TV. We know he loves his wife, no question there, you can see it when he looks at her, and I'm pretty sure he never had an affair. I think if he did, we would of heard it by now. He says his prayers before every meal as that is important to him.

But wait, the republican candidates are out saying things like he is really not a christian. Well, a christian like them anyway. Is it me?

Oh, newsflash, not everyone is even a Christian, there are many different faiths in our country. Plus we have our agnostics and atheists. I wonder how an atheist would do running for president of the United States. hmmmmmmm let me ponder that thought, Nah ain't gonna happen.

So as I watch these debates between the republican candidates, they are so desperate to show how conservative they are by proving how religious they are.

 Lets not look at what is plaguing our country because as long as you live by Gods will, then everything else will go away.

 It’s much easier to get the conservatives on your side when yelling that birth control (used by the vast majority of American women I might add) promotes irresponsible behavior. Plus, as they constantly point out, if your not as religious as they are, you're going to hell. Which I thought was rather interesting since Rick and Newt didn’t even have ashes on their foreheads during Ash Wednesday’s debate.

These guys are not stupid though, they know it’s much easier to gain support from the elders of tapping into their God –Fearing rhetoric.

They feel that when Americans are stressed, they seek leaders who they can relate too. If this candidate goes to church he must think like me so I should trust him. Let’s face it; if he goes to church then he has morals and family values just like me.

But you know what Rick, Newt, and Mitt, Americans are not a stupid bunch, in spite of what you believe. I have this odd feeling that Americans, when push come to shove, will actually try to elect a president who is competent, intelligent, experienced, personable, and knowledgeable about what is going on this world and who is committed for the good of our nation.

And whatever their religion is, I really don’t think it will matter in the end.

 but then again, it could be just me?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Here we go folks, some mental health Tees. You gotta laugh. As a person with ADHD, I get pretty frustrated with myself sometimes. (especially if I don't take my adderall) One of the things I know, if I don't laugh at myself, chances are I would be taking prozac. SO I gotta laugh or I'll cry. So I decided to make some funny Tee Shirts. I wish I made them in elementary
Mental health humor tee Shirt shirt ADHD humor tee Shirt shirt Mental health humor tee Shirt shirt Mental health humor tee Shirt shirt

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sanitarium - birth control

Is it me? If taking away birth control leads to less unwanted pregnancy. So aren't the women who became pregnant the ones not taking birth control? I just don't understand.